XI International Congress on Management of Amazonian and Latin American Wildlife
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 17 - 22 August 2014
Theme: “Alternative Sustainable Conservation & Utilization Methods for Neo-tropical Animals”
“Conservacion y Methodos de Utilizacion Alternativos y Sostenibles para los Animales Neo-tropicales”
“Alternativas Sustentáveis Métodos de Conservação e Utilização de Animais Neo-tropicais”

XICIMFAUNA will be held St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 17 - 22 August 2014. XICIMFAUNA is a Spanish acronym for “The International Congress on the Management of Amazonian and Latin American Wildlife”. This has been a community of persons who have over the years organized meetings to help advance and improve the management of wildlife or non-domesticated animals in the Neo-tropics - the Tropics of the New World (Central America, South America and the Caribbean). This is the only conference of its kind in the world that focuses only on Neo-tropical Animals and related subjects and issues! We are eager to hear from you and encourage participation from researchers, farmers and other experts in this field.

Call for participation

Submissions may either be invited, personal or volunteer. Please ensure that your submissions on the PCS Online System are made in ample time before the deadline.

Extended abstracts, videos and other content accepted into the conference will be published in the XICIMFAUNA Digital Library. Instructions to authors on the submission of full papers are described under the "Authors" drop down menu along with other forms in which material may be submitted.

See our latest Circular for more information:
XICIMFAUNA Circular #3

Updated 20-Oct-2013