XI International Congress on Management of Amazonian and Latin American Wildlife
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 17 - 22 August 2014
XICIMFAUNA mini-courses impart knowledge to congress attendees to broaden their knowledge beyond their current area of research and expertise. Practitioners, students, professionals and researchers with varying backgrounds will be the main participants mini-courses, so that course content can be designed for both novices and experts in the field.

Course proposal:
31 May 2014 - Extended to 15 July 2014
30 June 2014
Preliminary version of course description:
15 July 2014
Final version:
31 July 2014

The duration of mini-courses would comprise of three (3) sessions of 120 minutes and will run parallel to the technical program. Candidates will only be able to attend 1 course in the conference. Courses should: - Provide a substantial overview of the area covered - Introduce the audience to emerging areas, new technologies and methods in the sustainable development of neo-tropical wildlife - Impart knowledge on new techniques for use in research or practice For expert level classes, provide advanced instruction in tools, techniques and technologies.

Submission - Advanced Mini-Course Description
The Advanced Mini-Course Description allows prospective attendees to make informed decisions on the course they would like to attend during the congress. The below components are required and the overall proposal should not exceed 4 pages.
  1. Title of Mini-Course
  2. Duration of Mini-Course and number of sessions
  3. Names, affiliations and a brief background of all mini-course instructors including current and previous employment, activities and publications
  4. Audience and Justification - state the intended audience including the various disciplines and organisational roles that the mini-course content would be applicable to. Provide a reason why it would be of interest to XICIMFAUNA participants and also include the preferred audience size
  5. Benefits - state the educational goals and learning objectives, as well as a summary of what skills and knowledge attendees will gain
  6. Pre-requisites - particularly for higher level mini-courses, describe any special background which is required to understand the course material. In addition, provide any resources (books, websites) which may be used as supplementary information for the course
  7. Presentation - list the various activities and presentation forms which will be used in the mini-course; lecture, demonstration, videos, group discussion, case studies, exercises, games, field trips. Also include any audio-visual needs associated with these such as projector, podium microphone, computer, audio, sccreen, whiteboard, blank paper, markers. Should student volunteers be required for the course, please provide specifications and justifications
  8. Linkages - describe any linkages between the proposed and other mini-courses, taking into account logistics and potential constraints such as scheduling. Linked mini-courses may be accepted or rejected together
  9. Promotional strategy - describe your strategy for attracting attendees
  10. Sample - provide a sample of the material which would be presented

Evaluation Criteria
XICIMFAUNA mini-courses would be curated by the Congress Chairs and acceptance will be based on the below factors.

  1. Fit - relationship to the theme of the XICIMFAUNA Congress, topics covered, approaches, audience experience levels, specialised topics, audience appeal
  2. Logistics - suitability considering time and venue constraints, attendance limits, presentation methods
  3. Past evaluations - previous presentations, course participant evaluations, attendance levels
  4. Qualifications and prior experience of instructors
  5. Courses that promote products solely for marketing purposes will not be considered. However, courses may indicate techniques or products in the context of larger issues pertaining to sustainable development and research of neo-tropical wildlife.
Notification of mini-course acceptance will take place on
31 May 2014, when instructors will receive more information on logistics and the format of mini-course notes for participants. Such course notes will provide attendees with carry-away material and knowledge which will allow them to devote their full attention to class activities and participation rather than hurridly trying to write notes. They should include the below list of materials.
  1. Introduction
  2. Presentation material e.g. slides, diagrams, course exercises
  3. Annotated bibliography, resources and recommended reading along with copies of relevant scholarly papers and background material
  4. Instructors will be required to sign a release form giving XICIMFAUNA one time only permission to use the notes for course participants and to sell them at the congress proceedings
Mini-courses will be cancelled if:
    - Course notes are not received by the stated deadline
    - Participants are less than 15 in number as at the early registration deadline.
We therefore strongly urge you to promote your courses through relevant channels such as university networks, social media, etc. XICIMFAUNA conference organisers will not promote specific courses or related material.

Updated 20-Oct-2013