XI International Congress on Management of Amazonian and Latin American Wildlife
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 17 - 22 August 2014
Round Tables
Round tables are 80-minute sessions which involve a panel or group of experts who will debate a topic, compare their experiences and share their expertise alongside significant interaction with audience members who will be invited to engage in dynamic dialogue. A diversity of ideas is strongly encouraged, alongside research ideas and issues of pragmatic and applied importance. By so doing scholarly knowledge and its application or teaching can be best developed. Round tables will subsequently be archived in the extended abstracts DVD and ACM Digital Library.

Submission deadline:
31 May 2014 - Extended to 15 July 2014
30 June 2014

Round Tables
It is imperative that panels include involvement from the audience through various methods such as voting, critique of experts' presentations, discussion or question and answer sessions. In order for round table submissions to be accepted, the content must be well organised, feasible in nature, not be a duplicate of other work in the congress, and provide useful and interesting contributions to the XICIMFAUNA community. Invited participants should contribute unique perspectives which will provide useful and interesting contributions. Round tables often are a starting point for future work such as follow-up panels, books, journals, papers and workshops. Panel organisers are strongly urged to take into consideration the potential of their panels in this context.

In the proposal, explain how you plan to involve the audience and provide motivation and proof that your panel will be exciting, well attended and relevant to the XICIMFAUNA community. Multiple perspectives and controversy is encouraged, however rancor and hominem attacks are unprofessional and should be avoided.

Main topics to be discussed, debated or presented should be summarised as well as any best practices, lessons learnt and contrasting perspectives on the topics. Your proposal for a panel must be independent and readers must be able to gather a significant amount of information from the abstract alone, even if they do not attend the panel session.

The number of panelists should be minimised to 5 or less in order for fruitful and satisfying discussion to take place. This will also allow adequate interaction with the audience; no more than 6 panelists will be allowed. Panelists should reflect a diversity of gender, experience, national origin, race, ethnicity and sexual identity, without which the panel will not be favourably considered. All panelists must be listed as Authors on the document and all authors must be panelists or the panel moderator.

You must describe the format in which round tables will take place; how it will be run, the role of invited participants, the audience and you. Regarding the audience, please indicate any special logistical needs or equipment (within reason) and specify their size limitations. Panels will take place during the main conference in parallel with other sessions and it is strongly recommended for organisers to meet with invited participants beforehand in order to ensure a smooth roll-out of events.

XICIMFAUNA Chairs may suggest that round tables surround accepted or rejected full papers should the topic be of high interest to the community and appropriate for discussion. This may be done either in collaboration with paper authors or they may request authors to submit a panel. In both cases, panels will go through a standard panel review process. In some cases Chairs may decide to bring in outside experts for further review.
Online submission will be via the relevant Abstract submission forms and the selection process will be curated. The format of submission should be in an unanonymized 2 page proposal in Extended Abstract Format which should include:
    - title of panel - names and affiliations organisers
    - confirmed invited participants and
    - participants who have been invited but not confirmed.
We encourage organisers to confirm the attendance of as many participants as possible before submission

Evaluation Criteria
Chairs will determine acceptance based on the above-mentioned criteria. Confidentiality of round table submissions and associated panelists will be held during the review process. Only accepted submissions will be made known and this will take place at the start of the conference.

Selection and Acceptance
There will be no mechanism for author response during review and all decisions are final. In rare cases, the Chairs may request changes to the panel proposal as a condition of acceptance. Such "conditional acceptance" require panel coordinators to rapidly respond to suggestions with constructive dialogue to produce the best overall panel experience.

Updated 20-Oct-2013