XI International Congress on Management of Amazonian and Latin American Wildlife
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 17 - 22 August 2014
Oral Presentations

Format for oral presentations:
Presentation (maximum 15 minutes); Questions (maximum 5 minutes)

Suggested PowerPoint Presentation:
1. Title/author/affiliation (1 slide)
2. Forecast (1 slide)
Give a gist of problem attacked and insight found (What is the one idea you want people to leave with? This is the "abstract" of an oral presentation.)
3. Outline (1 slide)
Give talk structure. Some speakers prefer to put this at the bottom of their title slide. (Audiences like predictability.)
4. Background
Motivation and Problem Statement (1-2 slides)
(Why should anyone care? Most researchers overestimate how much the audience knows about the problem they are presenting.)
5. Methods (1 slide)
Cover quickly in short talks; refer people to your paper
6. Results and Discussions (4-6 slides)
Present key results and key insights. This is the main body of the talk. Its internal structure varies greatly as a function of the researcher's contribution. (Do not superficially cover all results; cover key result well. Do not just present numbers; interpret them to give insights. Do not put up large tables of numbers. Compare your results to related studies)
7. Conclusion (1 slide) direct to the point (a one sentence conclusion)
8. Future Work (0-1 slide)
9. Summary (1 slide) only the most significant findings etc. (listed in point form)

Font - Times New Roman
Font Size - 32 (minimum)
Numbering - number all slides (bottom center); also number all tables, figures etc. (remember that figures, tables etc. can be use to represent data)
Labels - title of tables to the top; title of figures to the bottom

Preparation hints:
Double check each slide to ensure accuracy, correct spelling, grammar etc.
Rehearse in front of your colleagues have a smooth, fluent and faultless presentation that is completed within the allotted time limit (15 minutes).
Check that your PowerPoint slides are formatted to the XICIMFAUNA specifications.

We look forward to your participation!

Updated 20-Oct-2013